Keeping your mind as sharp as you age

Oct 2, 2013 | 0 comments

Contrary to popular belief memory loss is not an inevitable part of aging. As you grow older you will eventually notice that some memories require a little more effort to retrieve and that you might not remember things as easily as you did in the past. Significant memory loss is not an inevitable result of aging as the brain is capable of producing new brain cells at any age. Lifestyle, health habits and daily activities all have a huge impact on the health of your brain.

Keeping your brain active and maintaining creativity go a long way in keeping your memory sharp and may actually prevent cognitive decline. Brain training and new learning can occur at any age and there are many things you can do to keep your memory sharp. The important thing is to stay active because the more you use and sharpen your brain, the more benefits you will receive.


  • Stay social. Social interaction helps brain function as it involves activities that challenge the mind and help ward off stress and depression. People who don’t have social contact with friends and loved ones are often prone to depression and are at a higher risk of memory problems. Reconnecting with old friends, joining a book club or volunteering offer great opportunities to interact with other people.
  • Try something new or variations of what you already know. For some people starting a new activity or hobby might be a trifle too daunting but try and find something you already enjoy and continue by discovering new variations of it. Perhaps you enjoy cooking but would like to try your hand at creating an exotic dish that you’ve always wanted to try. Now is the time to take a course on an unfamiliar subject that has always interested you. The more interested and engaged your brain is the more benefits you will reap. If you like crosswords, move to a more challenging series or try your hand at Soduko. Keeping your mind sharp can even be as simple as taking a different route to the grocery store or a friend’s house.
  • A healthy body equals an active mind. Regular exercise not only reduces the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss but also boosts the development of new brain cells. Staying active needn’t mean that you adopt a rigorous fitness regime – bowls for instance is a great way to stay in shape. Team sports such as bowls offer great opportunities for social interaction as well. Often meaning that those who play it are likely to make friends and socialise after the game. Exercise, coupled with social interaction makes a huge difference in managing stress and alleviating depression, all of which leads to a healthier brain.